Monday, September 17, 2018

Blog Post 2

5 favorite Photoshop tools:

Image result for what is the gradient tool in photoshop
Gradient tool
  1. Gradient tool (G) - creates a gradual blend between 2 colors
  2. Image result for what is the red eye tool in photoshop
    Red Eye tool
  3. Red Eye (J) - Red eye" happens when the light from the camera flash reflects off the subject's retina and this tool removes the red color
  4. Image result for what is the blur tool in photoshop
    Blur tool
  5. Blur (O) - Lower the contrast between affected pixels 
  6. Crop Tool (C) - Process of removing portions of a photo 
  7. Brush (B) - Basic painting tool. It works like a traditional drawing tool by applying the color using strokes
Image result for what is the crop tool in photoshop
Crop tool
Image result for what is the brush tool in photoshop
Brush tool

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