Monday, November 5, 2018

Blog post 7

 How different camera angles influence the mood and genre of a video?

  • Low angle - shooting a character at a low angle makes them seem bigger than life, important, confident, can even portray them as a bully
  • High angle - shooting a character at a high angle, slightly above eye level, makes a character appear harmless, innocent, or subordinate to another character 
  • POV - Shooting from a characters personal POV can alter how the audience interprets the situation because they can put themselves in that situation
  • Eye level - shooting a character at eye level makes the audience feel more connected to the character, it is a more personal angle

3 Professionals who I might interview

  • Rose Moore - former probation officer & currently works in victim services
  • Daniel Melendez - current a bail comissioner
  • Marc Ramia - current attorney

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