Tuesday, November 13, 2018

blog post 9

What is dream weaver?????????

  • Dreamweaver is a web design tool created by Adobe in 1997. It allows users to design, code and manage websites, as well as mobile content. 
What do we need/want in a website??????
  • Pictures & visually appealing colors
  • Easy to follow & navigate 
  • Different tabs to take them to where they want to go
Why are the Elements and Principles of Design necessary for Web Designers? 
  • The elements and principles of Design are necessary for web designers because it makes everything come together harmonious instead of one part of the design because excellent and the other part of the design is mediocre. Knowing the elements are principles of design can help web definers communicate their message better.
Idea for Project 5
  • I want to do either a photoshop poster showing everything that was learned throughout the semester or use premiere to put together a video of everything that was learned. 

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