Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Blog Post 10

Things learned about Multimedia
  1. There are lots of things that make up multimedia such as sound, text,video,animation,and image.
  2. There are several applications that can help you create multimedia projects such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, etc. 
  3. There are several career options for people interested in working in a field that involves multimedia and design which include: 
    1. Webdesigner
    2. Graphic Designer
    3. Software devloper
    4. Installation artist
    5. Special Effects engineer
    6. Game developer 

Final Project 5

I want to use PowerPoint to create my final project. I will be creating a poster of all we have learned this semester using power point. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

blog post 9

What is dream weaver?????????

  • Dreamweaver is a web design tool created by Adobe in 1997. It allows users to design, code and manage websites, as well as mobile content. 
What do we need/want in a website??????
  • Pictures & visually appealing colors
  • Easy to follow & navigate 
  • Different tabs to take them to where they want to go
Why are the Elements and Principles of Design necessary for Web Designers? 
  • The elements and principles of Design are necessary for web designers because it makes everything come together harmonious instead of one part of the design because excellent and the other part of the design is mediocre. Knowing the elements are principles of design can help web definers communicate their message better.
Idea for Project 5
  • I want to do either a photoshop poster showing everything that was learned throughout the semester or use premiere to put together a video of everything that was learned. 

Blog post 8

Adobe Premiere

  • Timeline-based video editing tool
  • You can upload pictures, videos, add text, etc.
Adobe Premiere vs Adobe Audition
  • The two are similar because they are both set up in a timeline based style, you can edit layers individually 
Video Production 
  • The angle the scene is shot at can heavily influence the mood of the video. 
  • Lighting in the scene is very important because you do not want your scene to be too lit or under lit. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Blog post 7

 How different camera angles influence the mood and genre of a video?

  • Low angle - shooting a character at a low angle makes them seem bigger than life, important, confident, can even portray them as a bully
  • High angle - shooting a character at a high angle, slightly above eye level, makes a character appear harmless, innocent, or subordinate to another character 
  • POV - Shooting from a characters personal POV can alter how the audience interprets the situation because they can put themselves in that situation
  • Eye level - shooting a character at eye level makes the audience feel more connected to the character, it is a more personal angle

3 Professionals who I might interview

  • Rose Moore - former probation officer & currently works in victim services
  • Daniel Melendez - current a bail comissioner
  • Marc Ramia - current attorney

Monday, October 29, 2018

Project 3

Project 3!

I had some difficulty with this project. I struggled with editing out the parts of the interview I did not need. Hopefully, the video project will be better!

Monday, October 15, 2018

blog post 6

  1. I learned how much equipment was needed to start a podcast and it is not just talking into a microphone, there is a lot more to it. 
  2. I learned how to convert an MP3 file. 
  1. Catherine Ridella- Music major. I would want to interview her because it is a major I am unfamiliar with and she has had a lot of hands-on experience in the field she wants to go in to. She has agreed to be interviewed if needed, voice or video. 
  2. Danny Saxias - Graphic Design major. I would want to interview him because it is a major I am unfamiliar with however this class has elements of graphic design so their answers may be relevant. He has agreed to be interviewed and audio recorded. 
  3. Rebecca Lins - Business major. I would want to interview her because she just started college so it would be interesting to hear a freshman point of view from a different major. She has agreed to be interviewed, either voice or video.  
  4. Marc Ramia - Professor at UNH & practicing prosecutor. I would want to interview him because he is currently working in the field so he has real-world experience and is currently still working in that field. I am waiting on email response. 
  5. Maria Torre - Professor at UNH and former crime scene investigator. I would want to interview her because her job experiences seem very interesting. I am waiting on email response. 
  6. Dr.Kendall Coker - Professor at UNH & researcher - I would want to interview him because I have assisted him in research and he is extremely smart with a lot of experience in the field. I am waiting on email response. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Blog Post 5

What is Aural Communication?
Aural Communication involves the transmission of information through the auditory sensory system—the system of speaking and hearing. It usually encompasses both verbal communication and paralinguistic communication to convey meaning.

What is a podcast?
A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

What is Adobe Audition? 
Adobe Audition is a digital audio workstation from Adobe Systems featuring both a multitrack, non-destructive mix/edit environment and a destructive-approach waveform editing view.

File:Adobe Audition CC icon.svg

Monday, September 24, 2018

Blog post 4

Image result for linked in

Linked in is a networking social media site focused on the business and employment community. It focuses on building your professional portfolio and making connections with possible future employers or people who can give you can use as a reference or give you advice.

Linked in can be beneficial to me as as young professional because:

  1. I can connect and talk with people who are where I want to be in my future career.
  2. I can connect with possible future employers 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Blog post 3

Layering in Photoshop
  1.   Allows you to work on individual parts of an image while not affecting other parts
  2. Allows you to add text, change color, font, size, and shape of the text
  3. Allows you to sharpen the image/layer you're working on
Image result for layering in photoshop

Blog Post 2

5 favorite Photoshop tools:

Image result for what is the gradient tool in photoshop
Gradient tool
  1. Gradient tool (G) - creates a gradual blend between 2 colors
  2. Image result for what is the red eye tool in photoshop
    Red Eye tool
  3. Red Eye (J) - Red eye" happens when the light from the camera flash reflects off the subject's retina and this tool removes the red color
  4. Image result for what is the blur tool in photoshop
    Blur tool
  5. Blur (O) - Lower the contrast between affected pixels 
  6. Crop Tool (C) - Process of removing portions of a photo 
  7. Brush (B) - Basic painting tool. It works like a traditional drawing tool by applying the color using strokes
Image result for what is the crop tool in photoshop
Crop tool
Image result for what is the brush tool in photoshop
Brush tool